Wednesday 18 December 2013

Two Years Today...

And his work here is done!
In 24 short months we'll probably be sitting at our computer screens, typing away furiously about our reactions to Star Wars Episode VII after bunking off of work for the day to see it, and being giddy with the excitement of it all whilst supping on Skywalker-adorned Pepsi and playing with the 6" Solo-kid figures sitting on our desks. Yeah, there's plenty of reasons to be worried about whatever you've got on your plate, but today there's a small reason to celebrate - in just two years, the excitement starts all over again!


  1. I personally cannot wait for the new movies! Hopefully, they'll wash off the stink from the prequels.

    1. That would be good, wouldn't it? I don't care at all if they're cultural touchstones or not, just as long as they're solid and entertaining pieces of filmmaking. At least the Prequels were good for lowering expectations...

    2. You've got that right! There are a few good moments in each one of the prequels, and I think that if they were all combined into one movie, it'd be pretty spectacular. I think that maybe 30 minutes of so from each movie would do it.

    3. Topher Grace actually did that, with something like an 85 minute edit of the three prequel films. Apparently it was quite good, but alas it shall never be shown publically...


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